Catch Breadcrumb Pro – Our New WordPress Plugin for Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation can be very useful on a website that has a large number of pages. Breadcrumb Navigation are mostly used by online shopping portals. Websites as such have a large amount of content organized in a hierarchical manner. If you own a website that has numerous pages and content, then you should design it … Continue reading “Catch Breadcrumb Pro – Our New WordPress Plugin for Breadcrumb Navigation”

Catch Import Export – WordPress Plugin for Importing and Exporting Customizer Settings

The WordPress Customizer is an easy-to-use tool and helps you fine-tune the layout and other customization of a site. You get a theme installed for your website and configure it your way to make it unique and stand out among others. However, there are times when you might want to save those customizer settings (probably … Continue reading “Catch Import Export – WordPress Plugin for Importing and Exporting Customizer Settings”