Plugin Instructions
Please refer to our Plugin Instructions written in readme.txt that comes with your plugin zip file. We recommend that you read the instructions before activating any of the plugins as these instructions contain crucial plugin configuration details.
Or, you can also find the plugin instruction for each of our plugins on their respective main page as well.
Frequently Asked Question
We have assembled a list of the most frequently asked questions and answered them for your easy reference. The list will continually evolve as we encounter new questions. Check back frequently…
Support Forum
If you cannot find your answer in theme instruction and FAQ then support forum is the best place to ask questions. Only members will be able to view and post in premium support forums, while other forums are accessible to all.
Hire a Customizer
We also provide customization service through our design and development team. If you need help in installation and customization of our themes, then you can request for customization service via our Request Customizer button.
WordPress Web Hosting
When you buy themes from us to build up your website, we want to make sure, you use an excellent hosting server, which is affordable and at the same time, technically sound. We have identified four such servers that we recommend here. These web hosts are within justifiable budget and offer hassle free great services for your private blogs or even sizable projects!
Premium Support Ticket
If your issue is highly urgent and if you have not been able to solve it through above mentioned services, you can send us a Support Ticket, which will serve as your final resort for problem solving.