Please refer to our Plugin Instructions written in readme.txt that comes with your plugin zip file. We recommend that you read the instructions before activating any of the plugins as these instructions contain crucial plugin configuration details.
Or, you can also find the plugin instruction for each of our plugins on their respective main page as well.
We have gathered a list of most frequently asked questions along with their relevant answers for your easy reference. The list here will continually evolve as we come across new questions. So, stay updated with the FAQ section!
If the plugin instruction and FAQ section was not much of a help for you, then, the support forum is the excellent place to find your solutions. Only the members will be able to view and post in premium support forums, while other forums are accessible to all.
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2570 Bradford Sq NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30345, USA
Nepal Address:
Taphala, Manbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal