Hello Skandha,
I have updated the plugin. Very unusual that the normal update process through the WP dashboard is not available.
I do like the new customizations! Very helpful and thank you.
There are some issues however.
1. Please see attached graphic. The breadcrump appearance has a full width border which seems unnecessary. Why not just have it for the length of the breadcrump (adaptively) or that it should have adjustable padding or margin itself. As you can see from the attached graphic, it is sitting on top on a widget on the right hand side. I would prefer that the breadcrumb ‘window’ had the adjustable width so that it matches the width of my text window which is about 80% of the total width.
2. I have no idea what the fonts look like. With TinyMCE and Google Fonts, the fonts all show a visual representation of themselves. Why not use the Google Font API? I don’t even recognize most of your fonts.
3. Font styling is important – bold, italic, underline et cetera.
4. Border shadow effect would be a good aesthetic plus as well.
5. Most importantly, your breadcrumb is INCOMPLETE! For example, the menu page Braun -> Experiment Systems -> MiniSystem only shows up as Home -> MiniSystem! That is not a true breadcrumb. Please see attached graphic.
I hope that these issues can be resolved quickly, particularly #5. This really is a major lacking.
Thank you,
Michael Peters
I need to send you the two graphics. Unfortunately, this message vector does not support file uploads.
Please provide a working email address so that I can send you the files.