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  • #3264

    Heyho 🙂
    I’m using ECT Pro on my site for services and testimonials with the Catch Corporate Fotografie Pro Theme.

    I wanted to use the services archive for my main navigation. But since my site is in german, I have to tranlate the title and content of the service archive (currently “Services” and “Service Items”)

    When editing the title and content text within the customizer (Essential content Types Plugin Options -> Services), the archive title and content text do not change.
    When editing the title and content for the widget on the home page in the customizer (Service Options for Catch Starter Theme) the title and content text of the widget are editable as expected.


    @computermate: Hello there,
    Please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue.

    Kind Regards,


    Heyho 🙂

    the URL of the services archive that does not change title or content when changing in the customizer is:

    The testimonial archive is at

    I will try to tranlate the plugin via Poedit to resolve the issue temporarily, but I guess (or hope) it’s not just my fault, since the customizer options simply have no effect at this point. I already translated my theme to resolve some other language issues.

    For concretization: the issue was present before translating anything.


    @computermate: Hello there,
    Can you let me know what you want the Service Title and description to be?

    Kind Regards,


    Heyho 🙂

    I would like to show the following words in the archives

    Services Title: Leistungen
    Services Content: Hier finden Sie alle angebotenen Dienstleistungen

    Testimonials Title: Referenzen
    Testimonals Content: Hier finden Sie alle eingeholten Kundenreferenzen

    Will this issue also be considered in the future update?


    I was able to change ‘name’ and ‘description’ outputs on both archives

    Is the plugin ready for translations? I tried to change the title and content by translating via poedit, but after putting de_DE .po and .mo file into the languages folder, nothing changed. Or is it because I did not translate all the other outputs the plugin has?

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