Catch Social Share Pro

Catch Social Share Pro is a Premium Social Sharing WordPress plugin that allows you to add social sharing buttons to your website. With a well-designed and smooth interface, attractive social icons, and fully customizable buttons, Catch Social Share Pro sure is the ultimate solution to share your content on different social media platforms. The plugin helps you display social share buttons from nine different popular networks either above or below your content. You can also add text before the Sharing buttons and select its position. In addition to its features, you will also find numerous Social Icon Customizations, Share Count, Padding Options, and more. With the plugin activated, you will be provided with the shortcode option as well. Simply copy and paste the shortcode [catch-social-share] directly into any post or page and enjoy displaying the social share buttons. Buy Catch Social Share Pro plugin today and provide your visitors with an easier gateway to share your content on various social media platforms.

Amazing Features

Social Icon Styles

You can go for three different Social Icon Styles. You can display your social sharing buttons either in a round, square, or rectangular shape. Select the one that best suits your site layout and design.

Social Count

On the Advance Setting tab, you will find the Social Count option. You can checkmark the option if you want to display the share counts on your social share buttons.

HTTP Enable Count

In case you have moved your site from HTTP to HTTPS, you can enable the HTTP Enable Count Button to display the share counts.

Facebook App ID

Sometimes, Facebook does not allow us to display the share counts even after we’ve enabled the social count features. In cases like such, you need to create a Facebook App and send it for approval. After your app has been approved and it’s live, you need to enter your app id and secret key on the ‘APP ID’ and ‘APP Secret’ field, respectively.

Total Count

Checkmark the Total Count option if you want to display the Total Shares Number collectively from all social media platforms available.

Free Vs Pro (Premium)

Free Features Pro (Premium)
Responsive Design
Super Easy Setup
Light weight
Breadcrumb Seperator
Social Share Button
Social Icon Order and Position
Text Before Sharing Button
Editible Social Sharing Button Text
Sharing Links
Enable on Homepage
Social Icon Customization
Social Icon Style
Font Size
Facebook App ID
Social Count
HTTP Enable Count
Total Count
Cache Setting

More Features


It is extremely lightweight. You do not need to worry about it affecting the space and speed of your website

Supports All theme on WordPress

You don’t have to worry if you have a slightly different or complicated theme installed on your website. It supports all the themes on WordPress and makes your website more striking and playful.


With Shortcodes, you have the option to use the powerful shortcode options to style multiple contents in completely different ways.

Incredible Support

We have a great line of support team and support documentation. You do not need to worry about how to use the plugins we provide, just refer to our Tech Support Forum. Further, if you need to do advanced customization to your website, you can always hire our theme customizer!

Responsive Design

One of the key features of our plugins is that your website will magically respond and adapt to different screen sizes delivering an optimized design for iPhones, iPads, and other mobile devices. No longer will you need to zoom and scroll around when browsing on your mobile phone.

Super Simple to Set Up

It is super easy to set up. Even the beginners can set it up easily and also, you do not need to have any coding knowledge. Just install, activate, customize it your way and enjoy the plugin.

Plugin Instructions

Features in Catch Social Share Pro

  1. Social Share Buttons
  2. Social Icon Order and Position
  3. Text before Sharing Buttons
  4. Editable Social Sharing Button Text
  5. Sharing Links
  6. Shortcodes
  7. Social Icon Customization Options
  8. Padding Options
  9. Font Size
  10. Cache Period
  11. Social Count
  12. HTTP Enable Count
  13. Facebook App ID
  14. Total Count

1) Installation #

a)Using the WordPress Administration Panel

You can download Plugins directly to your blog by using the Add New Plugins option in the Plugins sub-menu.
  1. Download Header Enhancement Pro from your Catch Themes My-Account page to your Desktop
  2. Go to "Plugins => Add New"
  3. Click on "Uploads" and Browse the downloaded file from the desktop where you have it downloaded
  4. Click on "Install Now" install and then "Activate" to activate the Plugin

b)Manual Installation using FTP

To add a new Plugin to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:
  1. Download Catch Social Share Pro from your Catch Themes My Account page to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/plugins/ and make sure that you do not already have a catch-social-share-pro folder installed. If you do, then back it up and remove it from /wp-content/plugins/ before uploading your copy of Catch Social Share
  4. Upload Catch Social Share Pro to /wp-content/plugins/
  5. Activate Catch Social Share Pro through "Plugins", in your WordPress Dashboard

Updating Plugin Using the Administration Panel #

You can update Themes directly from the Administration Panel by simply pressing the update button in the main plugins page.

Updating Plugins Using FTP

To update Plugin though FTP, follow these basic steps:
  1. Download Catch Social Share Pro your Catch Themes member My Account page to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/plugin/ and upload your new copy of Catch Social Share Plugin which shall replace the old files

General Settings

  1. After activation of Catch Social Share Pro plugin you can see Catch Social Share option in Dashboard
  2. Click on that, then you can find General Setting option tab
  3. Click on General Setting option there you can find following options like Social Share Buttons, Enable social Icons, Social Icon Order, Social Icon Style , Social Icon Position, Social Icon Alignment, Social Icon Background Color, Social Icon Text Color, Padding Top and Bottom, Font size, Text Before Sharing Buttons, Text position, Social Icon Share Button Text, Email Suject and Email Body, Add sharing links
  4. Edit those option as per your need
  5. Then, click on "Save Changes"

Advance Settings

Catch Social Share Pro offers various option in Advance Settings
  1. After activation of Catch Social Share Pro plugin you can see Catch Social Share option in Dashboard
  2. Click on that, then you can find Advance option tab
  3. Click on Advance option there you can find following options like Social Count,HTTP enable Count, Enable Cache, Cache Period, APP ID, APP Secret, Twitter Count and Total Count
  4. Edit those option as per your need
  5. Then, click on "Save Changes"

Change Log

1.3.2 (Released: April 16, 2024)

  • Bug Fixed: Plugin updater deprecation notice in PHP 8.1
  • Compatibility check up to version 6.5

1.3.1 (Released: February 24, 2022)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.9

1.3 (Released: August 05, 2021)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.8
  • Bug Fixed: Icon design issue on hover

1.2 (Released: May 19, 2020)

  • Bug Fixed: EDD one-click plugin update
  • Security fixes: Nonce checks
  • Code Enhancement

1.1.1 (Released: March 19, 2020)

  • Bug Fixed: Changed priority for EDD license activate and deactivate

1.1 (Released: March 13, 2020)

  • Bug Fixed: License activation issue in WordPress version 5.4
  • Fixed: Text domain and translation ready
  • Updated: Admin menu slug

1.0.2 (Released: November 14, 2019)

  • Bug Fixed: License activation issue in WordPress version 5.3

1.0.1 (Released: November 12, 2019)

  • Compatibility check up to version 5.3

1.0.0 (October 30, 2019)

  • Initial Release

Catch Social Share Pro

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