Catch Duplicate/Switcher – Our New WordPress Plugin for Creating Duplicate posts/pages and Switching between Them

While working on WordPress, sometimes, things just don’t go your way. That’s why, you need to backup before making any changes. Similarly, creating duplicates are also a way to backup your posts or pages easily in just a click. Creating duplicate posts/pages allows you to work on a duplicate copy without affecting the existing version. Also, you might want to switch a page into a post and vice versa. In order to perform these tasks of creating and switching the pages and posts, any one would search for two WordPress plugins. However, we, the Catch Plugins team have come up with an ultimate one-stop solution for both creating and switching the duplicate pages and posts. We’re very pleased to introduce you to our new WordPress plugin for creating duplicate posts/pages and switching between them – Catch Duplicate/Switcher.

Catch Duplicate/Switcher – WordPress Plugin for Creating Duplicate posts/pages and Switching between Them

Catch Duplicate/Switcher is a simple, lightweight, feature-rich WordPress plugin for cloning posts and pages. It helps in creating duplicate posts/pages and switching between them. The plugin is extremely easy to use; even the beginners can easily use it. It does not require any coding knowledge. The administrative panel in Catch Duplicate/Switcher is also very simple and easy to use. Our plugin comes in handy when you have to make changes in a certain post/page but are not sure about. At times like that, you can easily create duplicate posts and pages and edit them without even affecting the original one.

Likewise, our new WordPress plugin for creating duplicate posts/pages and switching between them – Catch Duplicate/Switcher also provides you with a switcher section in the Metabox. The switcher allows you to switch pages to posts and vice versa.

The new Catch Duplicate/Switcher plugin is a completely free WordPress plugin, however, it provides you with a bunch of crucial customization options, with which you can tweak the plugin’s settings according to your website. Catch Duplicate/Switcher comes with features such as Duplicate Page/Post Status, Duplicate Suffix Name, Duplicate Page/Post Redirect option, Switcher Option and more. With these features available in the plugin, cloning pages/posts and switching posts into pages and vice versa are easy tasks to perform.

Now, let’s check out the major features in Catch Duplicate/Switcher, our new WordPress plugin for creating duplicate posts/pages and switching between them.

Major Features in Catch Duplicate/Switcher

Duplicate Page/Post Status

Our new WordPress plugin for creating duplicate page/post and switching between them lets you choose the status of your duplicate page/post created. You can choose your duplicate copy to be either Draft, Publish, Private or Pending.

Duplicate Suffix Name

Catch Duplicate/Switcher provides Duplicate Suffix Name option. In the Duplicate Suffix Name section, you can enter a name for your duplicate copies of posts and pages. This helps you in identifying your duplicate pages and posts.

Duplicate Page/Post Redirect

Duplicate Page/Post Redirect options lets you choose whether you want to redirect to the duplicate page/post created or want the created duplicate post/page to be displayed in the list with the original ones. Select the redirect option ‘to list’ if you want your duplicate pages/posts to be shown in a list with the original ones. And if you want to directly head over to the created duplicate page/post, select the redirect option ‘To Page’.

Switcher Option

The Switcher Option can be found in the second tab named ‘Switcher Settings’ in the plugin’s setting page. You have the option to enable the Switcher for page/post. Enabling this switcher will add a new switcher section in the Metabox each time to go to a post or a page. It allows you to switch between the content type—post or page. Switch your post to page or page to post as per your needs and requirements.

Other Features in Catch Duplicate/Switcher


Catch Duplicate/Switcher, a simple WordPress plugin to clone pages and posts is extremely lightweight. It means you will not have to worry about your website getting slower because of the plugin.

Responsive Design

Our new WordPress plugin comes with a responsive design, therefore, there is no need to strain about the plugin breaking your website.

Compatible with all WordPress Themes

Gutenberg Compatibility is one of the major concerns nowadays for every plugin developer. Our new Catch Duplicate/Switcher plugin has been crafted in a way that supports all the WordPress themes. The plugin functions smoothly on any WordPress theme.

Incredible Support

Catch Duplicate/Switcher comes with Incredible Support. For creating duplicate posts/pages and switching between content types, our plugin documentation answers most questions about using the plugin.  If you’re still having difficulties, you can post it in our Support Forum.

All in all, Catch Duplicate/Switcher is a simple yet feature-rich two-in-one plugin that empowers you to clone posts/pages and switch between them. The plugin is extremely easy to use and provides everything you expect from a decent cloning posts/pages WordPress plugin.

Catch Duplicate/Switcher is providing all of these amazing features without even troubling your wallet. So, why wait? Download Catch Duplicate/Switcher plugin right away! Make your cloning posts/pages task and switching between them easier than ever!

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